General Health

The doctors at Fitzroy Medical Clinic use our facilities to operate their own business as independent practitioners with knowledge and experience to give help, advice and practical assistance wherever possible.

Make An Appointment

At Fitzroy Medical Clinic, we offer general health services for men, women and children.Simply make a booking with an Independent Practitioner who can provide help, advice and practical assistance wherever possible.

Men’s Health

Women’s Health

Children’s Health

Men’s Health

We have both male and female doctors who specialise in men’s health and can help to deal with any issues which are causing you concern or pain.

Men’s Health services include:

  • Regular health check ups to allow early detection or prevention of illness
  • screening for conditions varying from cardiovascular disease to prostate enlargement
  • diagnosis of high blood pressure, high cholesterol or type 2 diabetes
  • advice on healthy diet and lifestyle choices
  • skin cancer diagnosis or detection

Psychological wellbeing is equally as important as men’s physical health and an Independent Practitioner can refer male patients to the appropriate psychological professional as and when required.

Women’s Health

All Independent Practitioners are trained in women’s health but if you are concerned about a sensitive issue, we can arrange for you to specifically see a female doctor.

Some of the women’s health services we offer include:

  • Health screenings such as pap smears and breast checks
  • Menopause and HRT advice
  • Sexual health advice, contraception and family planning
  • Pregnancy, birth and post natal health
  • Implanon and Mirena insertion and removals
  • Advice on healthy lifestyle and diet

We understand that women may experience stress, depression, anxiety and other mental health issues during their lives.

Independent practitioners operating at Fitzroy Medical Clinic are sympathetic and sensitive and will always refer you to a psychological professional if and when required.

Children’s Health

Independent practitioners operating at Fitzroy Medical Clinic can assist with your child’s health from birth to adulthood.

Some of our children’s health services include:

  • Immunisations
  • dietetics
  • physiotherapy
  • occupational therapy
  • speech therapy
  • podiatry
  • growth issues
  • family counselling

We understand that your children’s health is always going to be your top priority and we aim to offer a comprehensive service with referral to dedicated professionals as and when required.


Independent practitioners perform Postnatal Checks for Newborns. The 6 Week Postnatal Check is for both Mother and Baby.

Please advise Reception Staff when booking as an extended appointment with both a GP and a Nurse is required for 6 Week Postnatal Checks.

Developmental Check

Children develop and achieve their milestones at their own pace – so if you are worried, Independent Practitioners can can assess their developmental milestones using standardised tests.

We’re here to help. Book an appointment now.

If you have a question, want some more information or would like to speak to someone, make an enquiry now and one of our staff will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Make An AppointmentCall Us (08) 8269 6000