Women's Health

Our doctors can provide a shared antenatal service in conjunction with your hospital care.

Make An Appointment

Antenatal and Post-natal Care:

  • Our doctors can provide a shared antenatal service in conjunction with your hospital care.
  • Please bring your South Australian Pregnancy Record (Orange Book) with you to these appointments.
  • Following your birth, we can continue to provide care for both you and your newborn.


  • Regular pap-smears help detect pre-cancerous changes of your cervix.
  • This allows for early treatment to prevent cervical cancer.
  • Current guidelines recommend 2 yearly pap-smears in women aged between 18-70.

Family Planning & Contraception:

  • Our doctors can have an in-depth discussion about the different types of contraception.
  • They can assist you to determine the most suitable contraception for you.

Implanon & Mirena Insertion & Removal:

  • We can remove and replace your intrauterine devices or Implanon.
  • Leaving them in past their recommended life span can reduce their effectiveness.

We’re here to help. Book an appointment now.

If you have a question, want some more information or would like to speak to someone, make an enquiry now and one of our staff will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

Make An AppointmentCall Us (08) 8269 6000